Latest News — Dorothy L Sayers


As you will be aware, due to Government restrictions, our March events were cancelled. We will continue to update on future events when any changes are made to those restrictions.

Meantime, we are continuing to produce the Members’ Bulletin. If you would like to know more about the Society or to join, please look through the website and contact us.

Please keep reading Dorothy L Sayers and enjoying her work.

Winter Lunch, our special guest, Francesca Wade and our Actor Award

On 1 February, some of us will be gathering in The Lady Ottoline Hotel, Bloomsbury, the first of our 2020 events. We are fortunate to have as our guest speaker, Francesca Wade, author of Square Haunting, detailing the lives and adventures of women writers who lived in Mecklenburgh Square during the early 20th Century. One of the famous residents of the Square was Dorothy L Sayers, another, Virginia Woolf. we are delighted that Francesca can be with us.

We will also be presenting our Actor Award to Lucie Capel. Further information on our Actor Award and the work of the Theatre Centre can be found here

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Square Haunting by Francesca Wade