Society Events
Throughout the year, the Society holds a number of in-person and online events. We start with our Winter Zooms: online events that run between December and April/May where we hold book group discussions, play readings, sharing items by DLS, online talks and so on.
Each August we hold our Annual Convention for members and their guests, usually in places associated with DLS or works by her, such as York, Oxford, Cambridge, Dumfries and Galloway and Chichester.
We also hold the Annual Dorothy L Sayers Lecture each June in association with the Essex Book Festival. Speakers in the past have been Vaseem Khan, Elly Griffiths, Ann Cleeves, Martin Edwards, Libby Purves, PD James and many more.
Our Annual General Meeting is held at St Anne’s Soho, usually at the beginning of November.
Other events include a Spring Lunch, visits to various events, exhibitions and theatre performances. For a full list of our annual events, please ask for a copy of our Bulletin.