Latest News — Dorothy L Sayers

New publication of works by Dorothy L. Sayers

The Society has published a collection of works by Dorothy L. Sayers:

God, Hitler and Lord Peter Wimsey: Selected Essays, Speeches and Articles by Dorothy L Sayers, edited, with Preface and Commentary by Professor Suzanne Bray.

This collection includes ‘The Wimsey Papers’ letters between LPW, Harriet and others that were published in The Spectator during WWII.

Please contact the Society if you would like to buy a copy.

Photos of Oxford, the birthplace of DLS

Member, Heather Norburn, has kindly allowed us to add her photos from a recent visit to Oxford to see the birthplace of DLS and where she studied, at Somerville College. DLS was born in Brewer Street, in the Headmaster’s House for the Cathedral Choir School. She later returned to Oxford as a student and after finishing her studies, worked for Blackwell’s.

We will be returning to Oxford this year for our DLS Birthday Lunch in June, when we will be at Balliol College and in 2020, when our Annual Convention will be held at Somerville College.

Dorothy L Sayers Annual Lecture, Ann Cleeves, Witham Public Library

Ann Cleeves, author of the Shetland and Vera series of crime fiction, gave the Annual Lecture at Witham library on 8 March, as part of the Essex Book Festival, 2019. Ann spoke of her liking for strong women, including Sayers’ character, Harriet Vane and also talked about her creation of her own strong woman character, Vera. Members and guests met for supper beforehand at Gimsons, home of DLSS Chair, Seona Ford.
