Further information about the event here
Happy Christmas, one and all.
A very happy Christmas to all of our members and friends from the Society and best wishes for 2019.
Looking for a last minute gift? Why not give a DLS Society membership? Further information here .
Best wishes for a happy and peaceful Christmas.
from the Dorothy L. Sayers Society
Two interesting events coming up in early 2019:
A performance of The Nine Tailors (January)and a Winter Lunch (February) for members and guests in London. Watch the events page for further details. Members, keep an eye on the Members’ area of the website and further details in the January Bulletin.
Alliance of Literary Societies
The Society is now a member of the Alliance of Literary Societies (ALS). ALS promotes the activities of literary societies like ours and also invites interaction between groups. There is an annual get-together hosted by a member society.
More information can be found here at the ALS website.
Members of DLSS can also read a copy of the latest ALS newsletter
Bodies From the Library
Bodies from the Library is an annual event, held at the British Library. Its focus is Golden Age Crime fiction.
The 2018 event was held on 16 June. Speakers included Martin Edwards and Rachel Reeves, MP.
A full report of the event has been written by member, Jasmine Simeone (© Jasmine Simeone).
Bloomsbury Walk
Members gathered at Persephone Books www.persephonebooks.co.uk in Lamb's Conduit Street, Bloomsbury, on 17 June, 2018 for a walk around the area led by Geraldine Perriam, BJ Rahn and Francesca Wade. We looked at places in Bloomsbury where DLS lived and places mentioned in DLS's short stories and novels. We looked at 12 Great Ormond Street - or 12A, as it is known in the books - home of Charles Parker and the blue plaque in Great James Street, where DLS lived. Mecklenburgh Square resident and member, BJ Rahn, led us into the Square's Garden. DLS lived in Mecklenburgh Square, as did her fictional character, Harriet Vane. Francesca Wade spoke to us about other women writers of Mecklenburgh Square such as Virginia Woolf.
Further details of the walk are available in the members' Bulletin for July, 2018.
Annual Convention, University of Lancaster, 3-6 August, 2018
The Annual Convention for members this year will be held at the University of Lancaster. Members who have already paid a deposit are now being asked to pay the next instalment by 16 April. Further details and the form to send to Simon Medd, our Conference Organiser, can be found here.
Our Convention this year is situated near Barrow-in-Furness, home of DLS' most famous fictional police officer, Charles Parker. We will be celebrating him and other characters over the weekend with a range of talks by people from various walks of life as well as members of the Society.
Dorothy L. Sayers Lecture, Witham. Essex Book Festival, 26th March
The Annual Lecture, given this year by Tony Medawar, took place at Witham Library, just down the road from the former home of DLS. The event, part of the Essex Book Festival, was sold out. Tony's expertise in Golden Age Crime Fiction was amply demonstrated during the lecture. Those of you who are familiar with CADS (Crime and Detection Stories), a serial publication superbly edited by Geoff Bradley, will be familiar with Tony's work.
The lecture ranged over the work of well-known writers such as DLS, Margery Allingham and Agatha Christie and those who are perhaps less generally well-known today. A detailed report of the lecture will be available in the May issue of the members' Bulletin.
Prior to the lecture, some of those attending gathered at Gimsons (home of Seona Ford, Chair of the DLS Society and the Essex Book Festival) for supper with Tony.
Special thanks to the staff at Witham Library for their work in preparing the library for the lecture and for their warm welcome.