Winter & Spring at the Society — Dorothy L Sayers

Winter & Spring at the Society

We’ve been busy at the Society over winter and spring. We held Zoom events every month from December, 2022 and two in March, 2023. It was lovely having members and guests attending these events from Seattle to Lithuania and Tasmania. Full reports of the events appear in our Bulletin. If you are not a member but would like to read a copy of the Bulletin, please contact us.

We also had some in person outings. In March we held our Spring Lunch and had a visit to the Royal College of Music to see students in the Junior Department performing and rehearsing as well as presenting our Music Award to Sophia de Reyes Mezbur.

Also in March - it was busy, with two Zoom events and two in-person events - some of us attended the Donne Memorial Service and luncheon at Lincoln’s Inn. Our May Bulletin will carry full reports.

We are looking forward to gathering again in June at the Essex Book Festival to hear author Amanda Craig deliver the Dorothy L Sayers Annual Lecture. This is open to everyone. Book now!

In August we will be holding our Annual Convention in London. Please see the events page for a listing of our future events.

If you would like to know more about the Society and what we do, please contact us.